Guaranteed Growth Within Your Banking Policy
Happy New Year! Let’s all hope that 2021 has better things in store for us all than 2020 did. But even if it doesn’t, rest assured that you have a Money Multiplier policy. And your money inside your banking system is safe and sound, with a minimum guaranteed growth rate of 4%.
But what does that 4% guaranteed growth actually mean for you?
There can be some confusion on how and when your guaranteed growth rate is delivered to you. That’s probably because it works a little differently than you normally would assume. Remember, inside your policy contract, the insurance company has guaranteed you an amount of money from the get-go. That amount is based on your premium deposits. So when you give them your first premium on day one, they’ve guaranteed you a face amount right then.
They are also contractually obligated to provide that 4% guaranteed growth on your deposited premium. minus some continuing functions ongoing with the insurance company. These continuing functions include your cost of insurance, your policy fee, PUA charges, and any prepaid interest.
Let’s clarify for a moment
The 4% growth we talk about so often is all wrapped up into your guaranteed cash values. So don’t be confused as to think that the 4% works the same as a CD or a conventional bank account would work. The 4% in your banking system is more like a net 4% than a gross 4%.
Following the growth shown in your illustration and/or the custom tools that our Tools Team provides to you as a complimentary benefit of having a policy with us will help you.
And here’s the great news: Your policy’s projected dividends total up to be way more than 4%. The dividends grow over time so keep playing the long game with your wealth. Everything will go your way once you have control of your own bank. Just remember, in the first 3 or 4 years, things can sometimes seem slow.
When you’re ready to get started on creating your financial legacy or if you have more questions, most questions can be answered by watching this video. Start there and then schedule a consult with my team when you’re ready to begin.